Wednesday 6 July 2016


dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 11:36:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
im not in the mood to blogging since im so exhausted and really2 sleepy but then i caught you, my bff, mesra2 dgn ur bff enemy. the enemy yg once hurt ur friend so baddddd. and u know. u well known how cruel she treat ur friend. kau dgr masalah2 tu. kau tahu cmane dia nanges siang malam mengadu kat kita. remember or ur private msg bila kita geram gila dgn kwn kita tu sbb ikut sgt hati and curse org yg buat dy sakit tu to death.


I know i dont have the right to prevent u kwn dgn sape2 pn. its ur right. but plis. as a so called bff (if u really our bff la kan) i dont think u will have the heart to baik2 dgn ur bff's enemy.

if u think ppl change. yeah maybe but not that girl! i swear, she still irritating like everrrr! u never know. all u know is having date with her, ntah pebende korg ckp. eh, u know what. honestly u r not worth to be anyone bff?

remember the day ur belovedddd friend ditch u?

and how ur long lost friend lost contact balik ngn kau right after u both met?

yep. u dont have the criteria to be a supportive good friend. go. die,

Tuesday 5 July 2016

the blurry future

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 10:31:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
heres another rant.

i kind of worried about sime darby. what if dia cancel last minute? (is there any chances they would decline the offer? but they yg offer me and ask for my decision!) or they drop my name somewhere and tercicir. or they didnt get my information yg diorg mintak tu. but i already emailed to the PIC.

dear sime darby, please
please dont give me false hope. u donno how much i want u. i reject my MBA offer from lecturer. also, recently i got a called for an interview, and i reject alsooooo. fyi, they offer me engineer position kot.

please sime darby im hoping a good news for u.

i really2 hopeee that u wont dissappoint me.

i know u can be the best platform to projectile my employment.

i really want to absorb as much as experiences that i can at ur place to improve myself. please dont break my heart!


now that i talked about my rejected interview, i feel a bit umm terkilan. but urgh not my fault. i wanted go theree. but didnt allowed.

sokay. i believe there are better rizq for me. Allah knows what best for me.

INFIRU!! #ehh

ok tu je byeee

momo dan raya

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 10:09:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
malam ni malam raya.

rasa nak rant on something. just because i want to.

tbh, it feels quite emm quite empty. theres a hole somewhere.

i feel bad to momo. i had a dream to celebrate this raya with her. this is her first time puasa penuh tho. how can i exclude her in this winning celebration.

im sorry. u have to raya alone there. no raya's meal. i feel horrible.

i love you. a lot. ive promised to myself to not leave u in whatever situation we might go thru. *crossfinger*

congrats baby. ure the winner!

later when i got my own salary i will buy u new cloth. (baju raya la tapi. hewheww. baju kurung okay. jgn nak demand nak kemeja. aku sepak kau kang) and give u duit raya.

Monday 4 July 2016

abby the cat

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 8:05:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
oh yeahhh i forgot to update about my cat. this little (not so little lah) girl i raised from baby kot. since she was 2months i guess where i confident to kidnapped her from her mamy. XD

abby anak princess

thats her name. why abby? okay first it was abu. cuz i thought shes a boy. then not so long after that i figure out that shes actually a girl. so, i revert from abu to abby!

u dont know how much this girl meant to me. her attitide entertain me in every possible way! i wish i could hug her everyyy moment and let her stay as a tiny noty baby catty.

 shes so fluffyyy i could eat her if im not human

it was her before she hit one year. adorable sgttt. i can faint just by looking at these pictures. im one of the lucky bum to get her and pet her.

she already pregnant 2 times up till now. and the first pregnancy she got 5 kids but 4 of them died at young age . i guess theres a porblem with her genetic because in her 2nd preganncy she only delivered a baby! its a rare thing can happen to a cat i guess. and unfortunately the baby also died not because of disease or what but abby herself ate her baby. pft abby.

her babies. one survive. all dead. *moment of silence pls*

my wittle abbyboo <3

now her only survival kid already big almost as big as abby but gosh tak manja lgsg. i hate her. she resemble abby a lot. bulu ja tapi. muka no. big noooo. even berjuta anak abby ada, abby tetap yg paling aku syg. i hope her cuteness never fade. i love you abby!

p/s :  ive p;anned on bawak abby followed me keje nti. i really hope sime darby x main2kan perasaan aku. plis give me the surat faster. so i can exhale satisfactions.

p/s : abby baru proudly catch one lizard.

abby april 2015~current

after hundred months

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 3:37:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
beennnnnnnn so long since i last mumble over here. a looooooootttttttttttt of things happen. as i can remember, i start to ignore you after matric aite? hahahaha.

sekarang aku dah habis degree pun. kalau aku nak crita semua yg jadi dlm  hidup aku for past 5 to 6 yrs, hmm. mereput dpn laptop aje le. plus, u think my mind is what? mindbot? :P

now i am 23 (ya allah!) yea. tahu. 23 is a lot of number. i still remember 10yrs ago i was 13. and its my first year in Labuan. baru masuk sekolah menengah. kenal dgn org baru. duduk dlm kem. naik trak tentera. hahahaha. ok sbnrnya taknak crita pn psl sapa aku msa umo 13 thn but then i recalled something yg embarrassed gile kalau ingt. msa ni aku baru tahun kedua period kott. still a newbie i can say. so, theres one day where im bleeding at school!! bocor abes kena kain. but idk how to handle. maybe. then i just sit silently on my chair. my friend kat sebelah tak dtg haritu. mmm. budak tu mmg kuat monteng pn. mcm momo. hahahaaha. and then i just realise my blood spread all over the chairrr. aaaaaaaa. idk why im stupid enough to just let it stick around the chair. i suppose wipe guna tisu ke kertas ke. duhh. malu sgt agaknya nak buat pape time tu. aaaaaaaaa. and then bodohnye lagi aku g duduk kat tmpat kwn aku sbb tmpat aku da kotor. eee cerdik sgt. for god sake im 13 kott. tu pn x leh pke. sedih nauu.

okkkk. xnak da cite. tp sbb da cite and everytime read this pn i will still remember it tho. ahahahah.

ok next. im 23. pastu. ok. oh yeah. need to mention jugak. during form 4 i got crush on someone. and no one know include me. #ehh . form 4 then form 5. class yg sama. duduk mengdap muka masing2. sakit hati pn selalu. sampai kurus aku dia buat. ahahhaaha. and can u believe it dia dtg dlm hidup aku when i was 21 and we both not available at the moment but now godd we are so madly in love. kahkahkah. first time we met at terminal sentral melaka. and damnn i cant even see dia punya muka sbb dia sgt irritating. hehehe takk2. sbb neves kot. *jari kanan jari kiri* nak ckp pn gelabah. ckp cpt2. mcm gile. lupa bas. x tau bas mna satu. bongok kan. pdahal da slalu da naik. hahahaha

okok. i leave it there. :P

haah kan. camane bole smpai jumpa kat melaka? sbb we were meant to be thereeee! yeayyy oky tak. sbb aku exchange student ke utem. dia dari shah alam. byk msa sgt dia ada :P actually i never want to see this human because im afraid we might be ridiculously awkward and i might send dia balik just a few hours after we met. ahhahaaha

but then, dia yg insist nakk sgt jumpa so aku suruh la dy dtg skali ngn pajot and her friend XD. at the end, i really wish theres only me dgn dia. no pajot and her friend. ahahahha ok crap. bye.

ok next next


sebenarnya apa tujuan aku tulis ni?

nothing interesting. just wanna write cuz im so friggin bored. i cant wait to start my career life in september. i really2 hope sime darby no give me false hope. please sent me the offer letter faster.

Friday 5 February 2016

i am MOMO'S

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 1:25:00 am 0 pengkritik comel
guess who am i?
nope you dont know.
all that u know is i am momo's
yep ure right.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

blogger is so not me!

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 12:18:00 pm 2 pengkritik comel
ouhh! da lama x merepek meraban kt cni..
haihh..kna resign la jd blogger nie..
da la malas nk update..
blogger is so not me..

Friday 6 May 2011


dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 3:29:00 pm 2 pengkritik comel
awhh! berbunga2 sngguh rsa d hati td bla tgk result UPU td..dpt UTM lak 2..mmg U idaman sejak dulu kala kott.. (nie pn sbb ckgu fevret aku pnah study cni,so,aku nkkkk sangat la U nie..ngee!) bcakap psl ckgu aku nie..actually smua bnda yg dy buat,smuanya mpengaruhi aku..serious..sbb aku tlalu obses ngn dy..HAHA XD giler dy la ckgu aku plg best,plg understanding,plg BEST! plg understanding,plg BEST! dan smua yg paling2 laa.. :) aku syg dia sgt2! :D
oke..kuar tajuk skjp..:p
TAPI hanco lebor mcm ais ketul kna rebus je rasa hati nie bla tgk perkataan DIPLOMA! yerrr!!! What theeeeeee .. kecewanya rasaa! haihh..yee..mmg la aku x taruh hrpn tnggi sgt kt U nie..aku sedar dri yg result aku x sehebak bdk2 tp tp bla da dpt UTM nie..mmg hati aku melonjak2 nk p pny diploma! huh! xpe laa..bsyukur la nakk..rmai g org yg x dpt kott..aku yg dpt twrn nie kra ptt bsyukur sgt2 la..bkn sng owg nk bg peluang..kan amirah fatin sengal! pffttt!
xpe laa..dsbbkn dpt diploma je.. (even kt UTM :( ) aku tpksa gak la pegi matrik..

eh2..mmg dpt matrik skng tgh struggle nk tukar ke matrik johor..ape2 aje laa..
hmm..asalkan ada tmpt nk blaja.. :(

Thursday 5 May 2011

Hipokrit itu PERLU :D

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 3:27:00 pm 0 pengkritik comel
tba2 dpt idea nk wt entri nie pas bace status bdk nie kt fb.. serious best! brilliant! mcm blog dy gak laa..tapi ntah nape ntah..lama sgt dah dy x update..dok tnggu gak bla la dy nk update nie..tapi x muncul2 gak blog dy kt reading list..haihh..xpe laa..maybe dy bz kott..bdk U..HEHE..

oke..apa yg dy tulis kt status dy 2 ehh smpy bg aku idea nk wt entri kali nie..entri hari nie asyk copy paste org pny,ini pny entri original by me..:p dy pny status lbh krg mcm erm..
whats d point jd diri sendiri if prangai kw mcm pffttt..
HA! lbh krg laa..

yeaa..aku sgt2 sokong weihh! peribahasa pn ada ckp 
masuk kandang kambing,mengembek..masuk kandang harimau x kn nk 'meoowww' lak kann..
so,peribahasa 2 je da ckup jelas dahh yg kta x pyh nk jd dri sndri sgt kott..kna pndai suaikan dgn keadaan gak..for example la..klw kw da tw mulut kw 2 mcm astaghfirullahalazim kw jgn la maen lps ckp je kt org2 yg tgh melayan ke'frust'an least try be someone else..x pyh nk ikut sgt ngn kePOWERan ayat kw 2 sbb for sure org 2 lagi sakit hati ngn kw..then,ofcos la dy da mcm teragak-agak nk kwn ngn kw sbb kw sgt mnyakitkan hati! SEE! klw kw jadi dri sndri pn,bt kw hlg kwn je..buat,kna la pndai suaikn dri dgn environment..well,hypocrite 2 pn kdg2 perlu tw.. :p
(contoh nie x de kna mngena dgn yg hdup/yg dah mati..barangsiapa yg makan cili,maka,dia lah yg terasa keHOTan nya ;D)

contoh laen dri segi fizikal la kott kann..oke..let say kw nie jnis sorg yg x suka nk mndi pagi atau mandi atau mandi dgn kerap atau seangkatan dgnnya (ada ke? ahh! hentam je laa..HAHA) oke x suka 2 kw pny hal sbb 2 mmg dri kw yg sbnrnya kann.. X SUKA MANDI..TAPI klw kw dok rmh je bole la kott nk wt cenggitu sbb x de org pn nk dok dkt kw melaenkan family2 kw yg mmg da masak sgt dgn prangai malas thp nauzubillah kw 2..bla kw da dok asrama dgn kwn2,kw rsa ade ke org yg nk dok dkt dgn kw? weihh..tipu la klw kw kata kw x mandi tp kw wangi..undang2 dlm kitab mana kw bca nie? :p for sure la 'kwn2' kw yg kw pnggl kwn 2 x nk dah kwn ngn kw..msty satu hari nti sooner or later by hook or by crook kw kna pulaukan dgn dowg..tade sape nk kwn kw dahh UNLESS kw ubah dri kw and JADI SOMEONE ELSE..see! see! 

well,iguana pn pandai nk ubah kaler dowg jgk utk DEFEND kn dri dorg..nie la org pnggl as camouflage syg..camouflage nie mcm adik beradik tiri kpd hypocrite la kann..(suka hati aku jaa..:P) so,skrg aku x kesah da la org nk ckp aku hypocrite ke ape..sbb aku tw 

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