Tuesday 5 July 2016

momo dan raya

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 10:09:00 pm
malam ni malam raya.

rasa nak rant on something. just because i want to.

tbh, it feels quite emm quite empty. theres a hole somewhere.

i feel bad to momo. i had a dream to celebrate this raya with her. this is her first time puasa penuh tho. how can i exclude her in this winning celebration.

im sorry. u have to raya alone there. no raya's meal. i feel horrible.

i love you. a lot. ive promised to myself to not leave u in whatever situation we might go thru. *crossfinger*

congrats baby. ure the winner!

later when i got my own salary i will buy u new cloth. (baju raya la tapi. hewheww. baju kurung okay. jgn nak demand nak kemeja. aku sepak kau kang) and give u duit raya.

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