Tuesday 5 July 2016

the blurry future

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 10:31:00 pm
heres another rant.

i kind of worried about sime darby. what if dia cancel last minute? (is there any chances they would decline the offer? but they yg offer me and ask for my decision!) or they drop my name somewhere and tercicir. or they didnt get my information yg diorg mintak tu. but i already emailed to the PIC.

dear sime darby, please
please dont give me false hope. u donno how much i want u. i reject my MBA offer from lecturer. also, recently i got a called for an interview, and i reject alsooooo. fyi, they offer me engineer position kot.

please sime darby im hoping a good news for u.

i really2 hopeee that u wont dissappoint me.

i know u can be the best platform to projectile my employment.

i really want to absorb as much as experiences that i can at ur place to improve myself. please dont break my heart!


now that i talked about my rejected interview, i feel a bit umm terkilan. but urgh not my fault. i wanted go theree. but didnt allowed.

sokay. i believe there are better rizq for me. Allah knows what best for me.

INFIRU!! #ehh

ok tu je byeee

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