Monday 4 July 2016

after hundred months

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 3:37:00 pm
beennnnnnnn so long since i last mumble over here. a looooooootttttttttttt of things happen. as i can remember, i start to ignore you after matric aite? hahahaha.

sekarang aku dah habis degree pun. kalau aku nak crita semua yg jadi dlm  hidup aku for past 5 to 6 yrs, hmm. mereput dpn laptop aje le. plus, u think my mind is what? mindbot? :P

now i am 23 (ya allah!) yea. tahu. 23 is a lot of number. i still remember 10yrs ago i was 13. and its my first year in Labuan. baru masuk sekolah menengah. kenal dgn org baru. duduk dlm kem. naik trak tentera. hahahaha. ok sbnrnya taknak crita pn psl sapa aku msa umo 13 thn but then i recalled something yg embarrassed gile kalau ingt. msa ni aku baru tahun kedua period kott. still a newbie i can say. so, theres one day where im bleeding at school!! bocor abes kena kain. but idk how to handle. maybe. then i just sit silently on my chair. my friend kat sebelah tak dtg haritu. mmm. budak tu mmg kuat monteng pn. mcm momo. hahahaaha. and then i just realise my blood spread all over the chairrr. aaaaaaaa. idk why im stupid enough to just let it stick around the chair. i suppose wipe guna tisu ke kertas ke. duhh. malu sgt agaknya nak buat pape time tu. aaaaaaaaa. and then bodohnye lagi aku g duduk kat tmpat kwn aku sbb tmpat aku da kotor. eee cerdik sgt. for god sake im 13 kott. tu pn x leh pke. sedih nauu.

okkkk. xnak da cite. tp sbb da cite and everytime read this pn i will still remember it tho. ahahahah.

ok next. im 23. pastu. ok. oh yeah. need to mention jugak. during form 4 i got crush on someone. and no one know include me. #ehh . form 4 then form 5. class yg sama. duduk mengdap muka masing2. sakit hati pn selalu. sampai kurus aku dia buat. ahahhaaha. and can u believe it dia dtg dlm hidup aku when i was 21 and we both not available at the moment but now godd we are so madly in love. kahkahkah. first time we met at terminal sentral melaka. and damnn i cant even see dia punya muka sbb dia sgt irritating. hehehe takk2. sbb neves kot. *jari kanan jari kiri* nak ckp pn gelabah. ckp cpt2. mcm gile. lupa bas. x tau bas mna satu. bongok kan. pdahal da slalu da naik. hahahaha

okok. i leave it there. :P

haah kan. camane bole smpai jumpa kat melaka? sbb we were meant to be thereeee! yeayyy oky tak. sbb aku exchange student ke utem. dia dari shah alam. byk msa sgt dia ada :P actually i never want to see this human because im afraid we might be ridiculously awkward and i might send dia balik just a few hours after we met. ahhahaaha

but then, dia yg insist nakk sgt jumpa so aku suruh la dy dtg skali ngn pajot and her friend XD. at the end, i really wish theres only me dgn dia. no pajot and her friend. ahahahha ok crap. bye.

ok next next


sebenarnya apa tujuan aku tulis ni?

nothing interesting. just wanna write cuz im so friggin bored. i cant wait to start my career life in september. i really2 hope sime darby no give me false hope. please sent me the offer letter faster.

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