Wednesday 6 July 2016


dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 11:36:00 pm
im not in the mood to blogging since im so exhausted and really2 sleepy but then i caught you, my bff, mesra2 dgn ur bff enemy. the enemy yg once hurt ur friend so baddddd. and u know. u well known how cruel she treat ur friend. kau dgr masalah2 tu. kau tahu cmane dia nanges siang malam mengadu kat kita. remember or ur private msg bila kita geram gila dgn kwn kita tu sbb ikut sgt hati and curse org yg buat dy sakit tu to death.


I know i dont have the right to prevent u kwn dgn sape2 pn. its ur right. but plis. as a so called bff (if u really our bff la kan) i dont think u will have the heart to baik2 dgn ur bff's enemy.

if u think ppl change. yeah maybe but not that girl! i swear, she still irritating like everrrr! u never know. all u know is having date with her, ntah pebende korg ckp. eh, u know what. honestly u r not worth to be anyone bff?

remember the day ur belovedddd friend ditch u?

and how ur long lost friend lost contact balik ngn kau right after u both met?

yep. u dont have the criteria to be a supportive good friend. go. die,

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