Monday 4 July 2016

abby the cat

dibebelkan oleh Kesayangan Si Momo pada jam 8:05:00 pm
oh yeahhh i forgot to update about my cat. this little (not so little lah) girl i raised from baby kot. since she was 2months i guess where i confident to kidnapped her from her mamy. XD

abby anak princess

thats her name. why abby? okay first it was abu. cuz i thought shes a boy. then not so long after that i figure out that shes actually a girl. so, i revert from abu to abby!

u dont know how much this girl meant to me. her attitide entertain me in every possible way! i wish i could hug her everyyy moment and let her stay as a tiny noty baby catty.

 shes so fluffyyy i could eat her if im not human

it was her before she hit one year. adorable sgttt. i can faint just by looking at these pictures. im one of the lucky bum to get her and pet her.

she already pregnant 2 times up till now. and the first pregnancy she got 5 kids but 4 of them died at young age . i guess theres a porblem with her genetic because in her 2nd preganncy she only delivered a baby! its a rare thing can happen to a cat i guess. and unfortunately the baby also died not because of disease or what but abby herself ate her baby. pft abby.

her babies. one survive. all dead. *moment of silence pls*

my wittle abbyboo <3

now her only survival kid already big almost as big as abby but gosh tak manja lgsg. i hate her. she resemble abby a lot. bulu ja tapi. muka no. big noooo. even berjuta anak abby ada, abby tetap yg paling aku syg. i hope her cuteness never fade. i love you abby!

p/s :  ive p;anned on bawak abby followed me keje nti. i really hope sime darby x main2kan perasaan aku. plis give me the surat faster. so i can exhale satisfactions.

p/s : abby baru proudly catch one lizard.

abby april 2015~current

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